Both babies are sleeping so I better update the newest member of our family. Wyatt William Dawson was born 2:02 pm on 7/7/2011 at the American Fork Hospital. He weighed 7 lbs 3 oz. and was 18 1/2 inches long- tiny compared to big sister.
I was due on Sunday but scheduled an induction date for Monday. I was kind of worried that there would be lots of people wanting to be induced and I would be last in line but they called me at 7:30 am and asked how soon I could get there. Grandma D came over to watch Addie who was still sleeping and we made it to the hospital around 8:15. They got me all ready and checked me. I was still at a 2 and about 85% effaced. They started me on pitocin and the dr came in and broke my water. With Addie it took a while for me to feel contractions but with Wyatt I started feeling them a lot sooner. I wanted to make it til noon before I got my epidural but around 11:30 they were getting pretty strong so I asked to be put on the list. The nurse said there were two in front of me, so I figured maybe a half hour and I'd be good. Almost two hours later and the anesthesiologist finally gets to me, after my nurse realizes that I am progressing quickly. I know that the natural birthers will call me a wimp but I was dying. It was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. Chops was a trooper and let me squeeze his hand and yell in his ear. As they were putting the epidural in, the anesthesiologist would ask if I could feel the needles going in. Now, Chops is great at helping deliver but he is not great with all. And I was screaming pretty loudly. He was holding my hand and I could feel him go slack so I told the nurse that my husband just passed out. There was a flurry of activity as they rushed to make sure he didn't fall, nurses for scrambling to get some juice and ammonia to revive him. It was just what I needed to relieve some of the tension. I busted out laughing and could not stop. I know Chops was probably slightly embarrassed but it really was just what I needed to help me through the last painful contractions before the medication kicked in. I got my epidural around 1:15 pm and about ten minutes later I had Chops call in the nurse because I felt like he was coming. The doctor came and I pushed for about thirty minutes (just an hour and half less than with Addie...) and he was born. I love to hear the sound of his first cry and looking over at his dad, with tears in his eyes. Wyatt looked so small compared to Addie. Both grandmas were able to come right after he was born and brought Addie in after we got all cleaned up. She loves her little brother and is such a good helper, most of the time. She has been really good at being gentle and loves to hold him and rub his soft hair.
The stay at the hospital was uneventful, although I do feel like they must have been busier this time because I feel like they didn't come and check on us as much. Wyatt has been a very good baby. He will sleep between 3 and 4 hours at night and has been nursing well. He loves to be snuggled and loves his mama :) I can't get over how cute he is, but maybe I am biased.
Addie was helping me change his diaper once and still had some mustard on her hand from dinner. She didn't notice it until her hand brushed the changing pad and yellow (the same color as Wyatt's poop) came off. The look on her face was priceless as she thought she had baby brothers poop on her. I love how she says brother and she is still working on Wyatt, although she is getting better. When she wakes up in the morning she has to find him and touch him. She has been really good with him although she wants to really push him hard when he is in the swing. She has a baby doll she has been carting around and sshhing and rocking. I love my little babies.