I can't believe how fast time flies. Addie is 6 months old now. She just had her checkup and weighs 15 lbs and is 25 inches long. She was right around the 50% percentile earlier but has slowed down a bit, so maybe I can continue to carry her without needing chiropractic work.
Here are some of the fun things about Addie: she loves to smile, sometimes. She can be pretty somber at times too. She doesn't laugh a ton and when she does its almost like a courtesy laugh, that or she is about to cry...she does love to jabber and make cute, funny faces. She loves to move and explore. She sat up by herself for the first time yesterday and her dad and I went crazy. It was so cute. She can get up on all fours and do a rocking back and forth motion but she doesn't actually crawl. Sometimes she goes backwards and she definitely moves around. She loves to play with all sorts of toys but I think that her favorites are the bulb syringe, medicine bottle and my cell phone. Luckily, Aunt Diane bought her some real toys, which she likes too. She likes eating big girl food and will start chewing when she wants to eat. She loves drinking out of a cup and can put her binky in her mouth by herself.
She also likes to pet her doggies and Rocky still tries to take a bath with her every now and then. He also loves to steal her toys when he can.
Oh, and Melissa brought over a bouncer, which she loves. She bounces with great enthusiasm. We love her a lot. Even when she doesn't want to go to bed at night.